Today I am sharing a very easy and delicious recipe that takes us to the South of Italy, in Apulia, where it is a traditional dish, and there are several ways to prepare it. This potato pizza is a simple, delicious and very easy recipe to make.
It is also usually found stuffed in the form of a cake and in other regions they call it "Gattò".
A recipe that you can also make without flour, like this one that has corn starch.
I love making this pizza on those Saturday nights we get together with family or friends, and I can also enjoy a super pizza, to which I often add different ingredients, my favorite is with tomato sauce, mozzarella and anchovies.
For 2 persons
1kg of potatoes
80 gr of corn starch
salt pepper.
500 ml of tomato sauce without tac
2 onions
2 cloves of garlic
Mozzarella without tac to taste
salt, paprika, oregano.
how it's done
1- Cut the feather-type onions and sauté in a pan with a little oil and the minced garlic, until it takes on a light caramel color, (separate a little from the onion and use the rest for the sauce).
2- Add the tomato sauce or cubed tomato and season with salt, paprika, oregano, cook for a few minutes and reserve.
3 -Boil the potatoes with their skins until they are tender, go through cold water and remove the skin
4-Grate them and mix with salt, pepper and starch.
5-Unite so that there is a uniform paste.
6-Distribute in a roasting pan on parchment paper and give it a round shape.
7- Bake until the edges are golden and the base is crispy. It is important that the base is very crispy.
8-Distribute the tomato sauce, and above a little of the sautéed onion that we reserved, the mozzarella cheese and take to the oven to gratin.

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